Building an Instagram Clone: Week 2 — Setting Up Routes

Claire McCleskey
2 min readSep 30, 2021


Defining Routes

The next step in the tutorial is to begin defining our routes. We will have five pages/routes: Dashboard, Login, Sign Up, Profile, and Not Found. Within our src folder, we’ll create a folder called constants that contains a file called routes.js. In routes.js, we will export consts for each of the routes.

Implementing Lazy

Once these routes are defined, we can begin working on App.js. In App.js we will import lazy and suspense from React. lazy and suspense are new tools to me — they are components that essentially tell us to wait for the code to load, but while we are waiting for the code to load, display a spinner/loading message/etc in the meantime. We will use lazy to import our pages, but first, we must create these pages! In a new folder called pages within src, I created a file for a component for each of our routes.

Implementing Suspense

Since Suspense is a component, we can wrap it around where we want to use it. In this case, we will use it in the return of App.js:

React Router Setup

Now that we’ve implemented our routes, lazy, and suspense, we must set up our react-router. We’ll need to import a few things in our App.js such as BrowserRouter and Routes. Make sure that you’ve included react-router-dom in your dependencies — I didn’t realize I hadn’t, and I got an error! Once everything was imported properly, I wrapped everything in our return above in a <Router> tag. This ensures that the router will apply to everything we put inside this tag, aka our application. Then within that, we wrap further content inside a <Switch> tag which tells our code to check the routes for everything inside these tags. Now that we are ready to set up the routes, we can get rid of the filler <p> tag that says “This is where our content will be” and replace it with the code for our routes like so:

Now, when we navigate to the URLs indicated for each route, we will get the page associated with it.



Claire McCleskey
Claire McCleskey

Written by Claire McCleskey

Software Engineering Student @ Flatiron School by day, TV/Film Script Analyst by night. NYC via FSU.

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